Refilling 1lb Camping Propane Tanks at Home

First and foremost, like many things around the shop/homestead, there are dangers with certain activities, and this is no exception. Do your research, and never do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing. We only refill tanks bought new, and have a known history of storage. Refilling random empties adds a margin of risk that outweighs… Continue reading Refilling 1lb Camping Propane Tanks at Home

Day 926: Garden Shed

Also known as Project Reclaim The Garage… One of the biggest compromises we made with this home purchase was the 2 car standard size garage. This was a massive downsize from our oversized 3 car tandem. While we inherited a small shed, it is just enough for yard equipment. After months of price shopping, we… Continue reading Day 926: Garden Shed