Day 48- Hot Water 1.0 Tankless Electric Water Heater


This project wasn’t anticipated, and was one of my first real “valley of despair” moments during the remodel. For some reason, every single construction project I looked up had California specific information, except the water heater. Our intention was to convert from full electric to propane, and a direct vent propane water heater as large as we would need simply wasn’t worth $4,000. And the noise it would generate… So what did we do?

Thanks to Amazon, we ordered a 2 gallon per minute, 13kw heater; with a return policy if it didn’t pan out. Doing some calculations told us that we could barely get the hot water volume we needed, but our budget didn’t have the room for what we had planned for. Soon to be posted Our tank-less propane water heater is in! We also fixed that out of code 30 amp circuit coming straight out of the wall.

A quick mock up of the inlet, outlet and temperature/pressure relief valve. We used Sharkbite fittings to be able to remove the heater if needed.

Not my best sweat game on the joints, but we are closer to having hot water! When you haven’t had a hot water source for weeks, and you have a hard move in date ahead, you might feel some of the stress…

Respect the copper pipe after cutting.

Houston, we have ignition! You might be asking why we have a shutoff on the hot side. This is in preparation for our future heater plan, so we can completely bypass this unit; and have a backup heater in place. Did you just say backup water heater? Yes, and backups are a theme around this remodel.

Water pipes had to be stubbed into the attic, and for the life of me I can’t find the image of them through the top plate.

Stage one of laundry room renovation is complete! Having exposed sewer pipe and j boxes wasn’t our jam, and we took care of all of those with in wall outlets as we moved along.

Attic stubs from day 500+… Where we added over 110 feet of 3/4″ copper to our new hot water supply. Can you say 8.4 gallons per minute 🙂 Say it with me.

Boom! How did it turn out?

Another successful task completed.