House Hacking Tips and Tricks 2: The Front Door

House Hacking Project: Electronic Door Lock

This week, we jazzed up our own front door with a few gadgets! Anything that can increase security and ease of use at the same time is a plus. We added an electronic deadbolt with coded access. The feature that was most important to us was the ability to lock the door from the outside without a key. Second up is a supersized peephole that allows you to check who is at your door without any indication that someone is looking. On to the pictures and video.
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Our new deadbolt installed from the outside. By sticking with the same brand, we were able to color match the hardware exactly. This lock is also an upgrade in physical protection, offering a more robust bolt and catch hardware. A local locksmith re-keyed the lock to our existing key set for a whopping $7, making this a very affordable project. While more sophisticated locks incorporate Z Wave or other wireless controls, we opted to start with a smaller investment that can be relocated to another door if we decide to upgrade later.

Video of the lock in action, easy-peasy. Allows for guests or service providers to leave and lock up without needing their own key.
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New peephole from the outside, just a few inches across. The only special tool needed is a 2 3/8″ hole saw to drill for the body. The upside to this device: a prism makes it near impossible for someone outside to detect movement or light deflections. Giving you extra peace of mind to avoid unsolicited sales calls.
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View from the inside. The only issue is the image is reversed, left to right. However that isn’t much of a hassle with a view like this. Not only can you see who is at the door, but you can almost keep tabs on what is happening in the neighborhood.
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From inside the house, things look completely normal, which is the key to any home improvement project. If you have any questions, post a comment, send a text to (760) 814-1850 or email
Reader Robin B. from Facebook posted a link to reviews on electronic locks: link here.
Edited 11-19-14: New info and insights about “smart” locks, by Schuyler Towne on Gizmodo!