Day 74- Hall Bath Vanity

After our master bath vanity, we wanted to go another direction for our hall bath. Carol found a complete setup on that included vanity, pulls, sinks, and counter. Yet another pallet is delivered and navigated into the house!

This piece was packed very thoroughly, and it took me nearly an hour to completely unpack all of the material. Not a ding or nick anywhere, which was a pleasant surprise. As fate would have it, our opening was 72.5″ wide. This gave us a great selection of 72″ vanities to choose from. You couldn’t have planned it to be a better fit! (And it was sheer luck, based on how many problems we were encountering.)

The packing material nearly filled my truck bed level, which presented a new chore to handle.

Door pulls and faucets installed prior to placement. This helped ease the install and reduce under sink back wrenching time.

Carol picked out this mirror and light fixture on Wayfair as well. I ran into a SNAFU with the vanity and a sewer clean out that protruded from this wall that required some material removal, I thought it was tall enough to clear it. You can see in the mirror some of our cooking situation… While our “campstove” cuisine was kind of fun at first, it became fatiguing as this project wore on.